Your hard earned money should be spent wisely. A good vacation does not have to be expensive. You can always find ways to save even a small amount of money. […]
Travel Tips
Your Very Own Holiday Checklist
Planning on your next Carribean holidays? Here is a checklist of all the things that you need to remember if you are going on a holiday vacation: Do not forget […]
Whale Watching Adventure in Hawaii
Yearly, the humpback whales from Alaska would travel to the warm waters of Hawaii to mate or to give birth. During the mating season, these humpback whales are more […]
Choose Your Travel Money
Planning for a vacation? Aside from the basic like your flight and accommodation; you need to decide what type of travel money you are going to use. You would not […]
How to Enjoy Your Dubai Holidays
Dubai is known as the second largest among the seven Emirates in United Arab Emirates. Since its establishment in the late ‘50s, it has improved a lot. It has become […]
Hassle-Free Vacation
Vacation is a must! You spent most of your days working and running errands, it would not hurt if you spend a couple of days for vacation. Everybody wants a […]