United Kingdom is known as one of the top tourist destination in the world with more than thirty million international tourists visiting this union every year and this figure keep increasing year by year. Some of the popular cities are London which is one of the most important cities in the world, Birmingham that is known as a shopaholic’s paradise and Glasgow, the cultural city of Scotland. Aside from these three places, United Kingdom has tonnes more attractions that are less known to the tourist but still has the same grandeur of the places mentioned.

If you are planning to come to UK this coming holiday, you must be prepared with the large crowd of fellow tourists that will be flooding the airports during the holiday season like the winter and summer. To prevent overcrowding, you can book tickets to airports that are expected to have fewer tourists like Cardiff Airport and Belfast International Airport. These two airports have much lesser passengers compared to the big airports like Manchester Airport and Heathrow Airport. If you need a ride, you can get them at the really cheap car hire UK services. These services are available at any airport and it is really easy to get a car that satisfy your need and is also light for your budget.

If you are interested to spend your vacation at a laid back place with lots of great pubs, you can go to Ilfracombe city. It is located to the south west part of United Kingdom and included into the Devon County. It is believed that the town has been present since the Iron Age and the unique name may have come from two sources, the Norse which means ‘the valley with the bad ford’ or also the Anglo Saxon which means ‘the valley of the sons of Alfred’. During its prime, Ilfracombe is an important port city that has a lot of trade going on and also the place where battleships will gather to attack the nearby empires.

Nowadays, Ilfracombe is not as hectic as its early years and it has settled down to become one of the normal towns in United Kingdom. The best thing to do at Ilfracombe will be visiting the pubs and make new friends with the locals here. The best place to have a drink in Ilfracombe will be at the Pier Tavern which is located near to the harbour. As you have your drinks here, you can also be able to see the ships going in and out of the port, which is quite a unique view to experience.

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