Travel aficionados would often bring home with them a souvenir from each of their travel destinations. Those who grew up traveling in different parts of the world have collections that would rival local museums. Some could even be seen toting purses and accessories picked up from their global escapades whenever they go out with friends.

My globetrotting aunt would always entertain us with her stories whenever she comes back from one of her trips. The most fascinating ones that I remember were the camel ride and pyramid excursions in Egypt , Hawaiian Islands escapades and her European backpacking trip during her younger years.

The best part of having a globe trotting aunt who dotes on us are the gifts and souvenirs that she brings home for us. Her gifts and the stories that come with it is her way of taking us with her through her travels. Now that she is over 60, she can no longer travel to some of the exotic destinations that she used to visit. But this doesn’t stop her from reliving her escapades through travel shows in TLC, web sites and online shops like Boticca.

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Those of us whose travel experiences are limited to neighboring countries are eager to listen to the escapades of seasoned travelers. We continue to dream that one day we can be full fledged globe trotters as well. For the meantime, I let my fingers do the traveling and search the web for travel destinations that I have yet to reach. I treasure my aunt’s stories, seek her advice and plot my way around the globe to follow her lead.

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