Not many wedding destinations around the world can put you into a dramatic, Shakespeare love scene. But this one can. Verona travel authorities have announced that the legendary Romeo and Juliet Balcony can now be added to your list of possible wedding destinations. The 14th century Cappello family house in Italy’s northwest Verona is opening the doors to tourists, especially catering to romantic tourists. How much would you be willing to pay to stand in Juliet’s footsteps? If you aren’t from Europe, expect to pay over a thousand buckaroos for it (1,000 Euros). It may be a bit pricey, but who cares? If you’re clearing out some bank roll for an all-out wedding, what could be better? Verona travel provides spectacular views and romantic wedding destinations to create life-long memories. In fact, you may find multiple wedding destinations here that you’ll have to choose between.

Romeo and Juliet’s balcony isn’t only offered as one of the premiere wedding destinations, though. When you come to Verona, travel to this area, and visit the Cappello family house you’ll likely be greeted by other tourists (you may be able to reserve, though). Verona travel authorities say they’re hoping to use the area to bring in tourist sales by offering a variety of packages.
If you visit, and are still looking for your Romeo or Juliet, be sure to rub the right breast Juliet’s bronze statue. It’s supposed to bring you true love. Trust me; she gets plenty of friendly attention which is apparent by the glossiness of her breast (from tourists rubbing it).
More photos of Verona travel (beautiful wedding destinations abound!)…

Wow, this is really cool. It would’ve been amazing to get married in such an interesting spot. I bet they will constantly stay booked!
Yeah, to celebrate a very memorable day of yours to a very beautiful place ^_^
This statue is so amazing, because it represents the adorned affection Romeo and Juliet had for each other. I definitely hope to be married in such a romantic place like this! 😀
How I wish I could too 😀
At least for a moment, I would feel that I’m Juliet. 🙂 And Abdel is Romeo..
I remember when I played the role of Juliet in the school : Oh romeo, oh Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo .. . ahaha