The constant thing in life is change, and through the years, one place which has undergone tremendous change is the island of Boracay.

The first time I went there was in 1989, and I must say it was a far cry from what Boracay is today. Back then, it was all stretches of sand and sea. When I revisited the island in February 2011, I was surprised to find how industrialized it has become: ATMs, convenience stores left and right, and a paved road close to the beach!

Deciding where to stay in Boracay is pretty easy, as there are numerous options to choose from. You could stay in an affordable apartelle, or in one of those swanky resorts by the shore.

Despite the enormous change Boracay has gone through, it is still a beautiful place worth coming back to…over and over again. It will always be for me, a slice of heaven here on earth.

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