Yogyakarta is a historical city located in Central Java, Indonesia. It is great travel destination to enjoy cultures, local foods, history, and nature. The native people are friendly here and things are mainly cheap. Yogyakarta has many universities. It is also known as gudeg city and students’ city. Gudeg is the local famous food in Yogyakarta. It is sold along the roads of Yogyakarta at night, usually after 9 PM. There are some well-known traveling destinations if you visit Yogyakarta:

borobudur, yogyakarta

1. Malioboro Street. Malioboro is the first tourism destination, either for local or foreign tourists. The street has a long-traced history. Along the Malioboro, you can find many hotels, batik shops, local food stores and lesehan, western fast-food restaurants, Malioboro Mall, andong, etc. Tourists from all over the world visit Yogyakarta all year long. Mostly spend tie to walk along the Malioboro Street as a must. Malioboro is around 30 minutes away from airport. Interestingly, if you go by train, it is just a step away from the Tugu train station.

2. Prambanan Temple. Discover the ancient story of “1,000 temples” at Prambanan Temple. It is one of the world’s cultural heredity. Regular puppet shows are held in the temple. Prambanan temple is about 15 minutes away from the airport or 45 minutes from train station.

3. Borobudur Temple. Borobudur temple is one of the world’s wonders. It is located in Magelang, which takes about 1.5 hours of traveling from Yogyakarta. It is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. Go to the top to enjoy the best view, with background of mountains.


4. Keraton (Kraton). Keraton is the palace where Sultan of Yogyakarta lives. You can come to visit the historical leavings, traditional dancers, and cultures. Keraton is located about 10 minutes from Malioboro.

5. Bird market and Batik factories and market. The bird market, Ngasem, is just minutes away from Keraton and batik factories. You can visit all at once to save time. Watch the process of batik creation, or try it yourself. There are also many souvenirs of batik sold at the stores.

6. Tamansari Water Palace. It was formerly a palace. The Tamansari now looks like an old damaged building, but you can still explore the rooms, bathing pool, and others. It is located behind the Ngasem bird market. Take a local guide with you.

Many thanks for information used in this post to the owner of agentii de turism website.

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