Airlines Promo Fare

As Christmas draws near, we just can’t wait to get hold of our Christmas bonuses. While waiting for it, we are making plans on what to do this coming holiday. Aside from making a mental list of the gifts to buy, we can also start planning for the much awaited Christmas vacation.

The major airlines in the Philippines are coming out with promotional fare that allows you to travel to a favorite destination. However, booking for a seat for these promo fare flights is never easy. It is most favorable to do it very late atΒ  night , assuming that less people are doing it during odd times.

Staying up late could actually give you dark circles under eyes but it will be worth it once you have successfully booked a flight for the much awaited Christmas vacation.

2 Replies to “Airlines Promo Fare”

  1. Talking about those dark circles under the eyes, I have big one hHhAha πŸ™‚ I always stayed late at night well, promos are really up till midnight πŸ™‚

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